
编辑:admin 阅读:- 2024-10-02 14:00:03



  1. 主谓状语结构的英语句子,急求!!!
  2. 帮我写50个含状语从句的句子。。
  3. 形容词作状语的句子


he是主语 runs是谓语动词fast副词做状语

2. He gets up early in the morning.他早上早起

he是主语 get up动词短语作谓语 early in the morning作状语

3.She is crying sadly她哭得很伤心

she是主语 is crying是谓语 sadly是状语

she是主语 sings是谓语 well是状语

5.She sits behind me.她坐我后面

she是主语 sits是谓语 behind me是状语





1When you think you know nothing, then you begin to know something.当你以为自己一无所知的时候,你就是在开始知道一些事物了。

2When truth is buried under the ground,it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it.当真理被埋在地下的时候,它在生长,它感到压抑,它蓄存着这么一种爆炸性力量,一旦冒出,它就会炸破一切!

3Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

4You can feel the air moving as your hand pushes through it.当你的手在空气中挥动的时候,你就能感觉到空气在流动。

5Our headmaster laughed as she spoke.(我们的校长边谈边笑。)

6When she came in, I stopped eating.她进来时,我停止吃饭。

7When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some water for him.当我住在农村时,我常常为他担水。

8We were about to leave when he came in.我们就要离开,就在那时他进来了。

9.We always sing as we walk.我们总是边走边唱。

10.As we were going out, it began to snow.当我们出门时,开始下雪了。

11It will be four days before they come back.他们要过四天才能回来。

12Einstein almost knocked me down before he saw me.爱因斯坦几乎把我撞倒才看到我。

13My father had left for Canada just before the letter arrived.我父亲恰好在信到之前去加拿大了。

14They had not been married four months before they were divorced.他们结婚还不到四个月就离婚了。

15After you think it over, please let me know what you decide.你仔细考虑过以后,告诉我你是怎样决定的。

16After we had finished the work, we went home.完成工作之后,我们回家了。

17I didn't go to bed until(till) my father came back.直到我父亲回来我才上床睡觉。

18I worked until he came back.我工作到他回来为止。

19I didn't work until he came back.他回来我这才开始工作。

20Please wait until I arrived.在我到达之前请等我。

21I will go there directly I have finished my breakfast.吃完早饭,我立即到那里去。

22The moment I heard the news, I hastened to the spot.我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。

23As soon as I reach Canada, I will ring you up.我一到加拿大,就给你来电话。

24.By the time you came back, I had finished this book.到你回来时,我已经写完这本书了。

25Each time he came to Harbin, he would call on me.他每次来哈尔滨,总是来看我。

1.We must camp where we can get water.我们必须在能找到水的地方露营。

2you can go where you want to go.你可以去你想去的地方。

3With a car a preson can go where he pleases and when he pleases.


4And where there is shale there is likely to be oli.


5Where there''s a will, there''s an Inheritance(遗产) Tax.

6.We’ll go where working conditions are difficult.我们要去工作条件艰苦的地方。Sit wherever you like.你爱坐哪儿都可以。

7Keep it where you can see it.把它放在你看得见的地方。

8He lives where the climate is mild.他住在一个气候温暖的地方。

9I’ll take you anywhere you like.你想到哪儿我就带你到哪儿。

10You can’t camp where/ wherever/ anywhere you like these days.如今你可不能随意在哪儿宿营。

11Wherever I am l will be thinking of you.我不论在哪儿,都会想你的。

12Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.不管我走到哪里,我都发现同样情况。

13Wherever he goes, there's always a spy hanging about.不管他到哪里,总有一个密探跟着。

14Wherever he is he'll be thinking of you.不管他在哪里,他总会想着你。

15We'll go wherever you say.你说到哪里我们就到哪里。

16Everywhere Jenny goes she’s mistaken for Princess Diana.无论詹妮走到什么地方,她都会被误认为是戴安娜公主。

17The church was built where there had once been a Roman temple.教堂建在曾一度是罗马神庙的地方。

18Next time I hope you’ll go where I tell you to.下次我希望你去我告诉你去的地方。

19No matter where you now are in writing, you can improve with practice.不管你在写作上你处于什么水平,练习都能帮你提高。

20Keep your mobile phone with you no matter where you are.不管在哪里你都要带着手机。

21With a special train ticket you can travel wherever/ anywhere/ everywhere you like in Europe for just over£100.你如持有专车票,仅花一百多一点英镑,就可以到欧洲各地旅行。

22Where possible, they tried to acquire colonies.只要可能,他们就设法取得殖民地。

23Avoid structures of this kind wherever possible.只要可能,就要避免这种结构。

24Where most people saw nothing but a hardened criminal, I saw a lonely and desperate man.


25Where there is great love, there are always miracles.


形容词作状语的句子:He came back, safe and sound.(安然无恙).


Wet and cold, he wanted to warm himself







and hungry, the little girl kept crying.

the long journey from abroad, he got home, tired/ tired out/worn out.

Modest and easy-going, he soon put everyone at ease.

way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside, blind drunk./ very drunk.

Unable to answer the teacher’s question, all the students kept silent.

Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.

Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.


scared, cold是形容词作伴随状语。表示主语实施谓语动作时伴随的状态。

He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds.

and found the man lying on the floor, dead.

Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.


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